Added to the lexicon
Behind the scenes
“Because contemporary paganism is essentially so new, its underlying ethical structure is not particularly sophisticated.”
Added to the lexicon
Added to the lexicon
❝There's an old saying that pagans are failed librarians.❞
Added to the lexicon
“In an era where women undress their outfits & give their bodies so carelessly, become the rare wild woman that undresses her mind and soul & knows the worth of what she has to offer.”
Situational vortex
Working on my lexicon is sometimes like that.
I'd never heard the term black moon before. But in order to define that, I really needed to have a short blurb on February. And if I was going to do that, I really needed to do the rest of the months in the timetable as well. I'd only been putting it off for a year. Or five.
Anyway, a situational vortex is why sometimes something that seems simple ends up taking forever. Adding to a list of political links means going through the lexicon and finding the terms that are political. Then it means cross referencing those entires to the politics entry.
I enjoy it but it takes time. And it's not immediately obvious to the reader.
Added to the lexicon
“Some people worry that artificial intelligence will make us feel inferior, but then, anybody in his right mind should have an inferiority complex every time he looks at a flower.”
Revived 28Jul2019
“Nudity is a problem for Americans. It disrupts our social exchange.”
Link behavior
I wrote about my thinking behind the link behavior here at Technopagan Yearnings and how I made it work.
Read More...Lexicon mini-indexes
“One cannot and must not try to erase the past merely because it does not fit the present.”
Added to the lexicon
My comments on the “Billy Graham rule”
“If anything can go wrong, it will — and in the most annoying manner possible.”
Added to the lexicon
“There’s something therapeutic about nudity… Take away the Gucci or Levi’s and we’re all the same.”Read More...
Added to the lexicon
Revived 24May2019
These blog entries have been reformatted and entered into the current directories. Redirect pages have been placed in the old locations.
Read More...Added to the lexicon
Added to the lexicon
Their compromise gave other faiths a wedge into the American religious landscape.
Read More...Added to the lexicon
❝Knowledge isn't mastery. Eclecticism depends on discipline.❞— NeoWayland, Eclecticism, Discipline, & Mastery
Added to the lexicon
Pagans can be some of the most computer literate people I know. But every once in a while, I run into a blind spot.
Read More...Revived 01Apr2019
Added to the lexicon
Added to the lexicon
“Sadly, it's much easier to create a desert than a forest.”
Added to the lexicon
“Give them the third best to go on with; the second best comes too late, the best never comes.”— Robert Watson-Watt. See also Rules of Three
Added to the lexicon
Added to the lexicon
Who is quoted
If you ask the question of thirteen pagans, you'd probably get forty-seven answers.
Read More...Journal - Friday, 23Nov2018
![Thinking by blogging](
I got into a long online discussion concerning the assumptions that people bring from their religion into their lives and what they expect of others. In passing, I mentioned some of the differences between a Story and a Journey.
It dawned on me that right now the "pagan community" has a lot of people who want to write the story for others instead of setting them off on their own journey. I'm going to have to think about that some.
Added to the lexicon
I added a cautionary box
Journal - Friday, 16Nov2018
![Thinking by blogging](
I used to have a very religious and very superstitious neighbor. One thing that would freak him out was the number thirteen. So when I started doing stuff on the net, I threw in thirteens whenever I could. Even today, I do the same. Three thirteens is thirty-nine, that's the number of entries you'll find on the front pages of my blogs. On this blog, when you hover over one of the internal links that coded, it grows to 113% of it's normal size. The margins on my quote boxes are thirteen pixels. And so on.
There are just all sorts of thirteens in my blogs. And there are about to be more.
Starting this week, I'm setting some goals. Thirteen articles revived. Thirteen lexicon entries added. And thirteen quotes on Wednesdays.
I use other numbers too of course. Threes. Fives, Sevens.
But there is a part of me that can't help speculating what my former neighbor would say if he knew I was deliberately putting all these thirteens out into the world and on the net. It brings a smile.
Revived - November 16, 2018
Added to the lexicon
In Which NeoWayland combines Geekary and Technopaganism to Peer Dimly at Humanity's Potiential
Read More...Revived - November 9, 2018
These blog entries have been reformatted and entered into the current directories. Redirect pages have been placed in the old locations.
Sometimes the sad songs do help
Spells for Democracy?
Myth ruminations
“I dare you to do it better!”
orAdventures in Mythmaking
Meant to be used
On the Threefold Law of Return
A Rule of Three
NeoNote — Nudes on Technopagan Yearnings
“I love being naked. I do everything in the nude, even the gardening! We're Cuban, and it's a hot island. Why not go nude?”
Added to the lexicon
“Sexuality is a thing of the mind, not of the genitalia.”— Maggie McNeill, Rope of Sand
Revived - November 2, 2018
“Every person has the right to control their own sexuality, and nobody else’s.”— Maggie McNeill, Standing in the Rain
Journal - Friday, 26Oct2018
![Thinking by blogging](
Mom isn't doing so well. She forgets things. She's having a harder time moving around. We'll see.
One of my biggest frustrations is sex. One companion passed and the other moved. I try to avoid casual sex these days and I don't do the pickup scene at all. The younger women aren't interested in an older guy, especially the kind that makes them think. The older available ladies, well, many are into the victimhood thing. Some of the others want a bad boy. When they find out I am pagan, they think danger and blood and risk. Usually that's not me. I used to have sex six or seven times a week and now it's once or twice on a good week. I'm horny in an age of #MeToo and regret equalling rape accusations. I'm not sure how to fix that.
Truth is winning in a small way. I've been finding people that I agree with online. Of course it will never be a massive or even an impressive number, but there's hope for Isaiah's Job yet. I serve veritas, that has it's own rewards. Widespread recognition for my, um, obvious insights and grand wisdom is not one of them. I'm pretty good, but it won't bring fame and money. Still, it's nice to stumble across some like minded folk here and there. Wisdom is where you find it.
It dawned on me that I can save time by copy-pasting the source code from the quotes & thinkums blog entries in my comments. I'll have to eliminate the <div class="offset"> and the following </div>, but the rest shows up in Disqus just fine. Not with all the bells and whistles, true, but with enough to show it's a blockquote. I sill may have to toss in some <em> and </em>, but it works.
Time for a shower. Then I'll greet the sunrise while sharing breakfast with my raven friend. Then over to check on Mom.
Added to lexicon
Revived 12Oct2018
These blog entries have been reformatted and entered into the current directories. Redirect pages have been placed in the old locations.
A Blast from the Past
Faith worthy of freedom
The Magick of Food
Tree Of Life
The Word is Not the Thing
Basking in the moonlight
Study notes
What's in a word?
Added to lexicon
Me, I compare an on-the-fly online ritual to building one custom motorcycle in twenty different places with 459 mechanics and parts from thirteen manufacturers.
Read More...Sexuality without politics
Added to lexicon
My lexicon covers multiple topics, from politics to philosophy to economics to magick to religion to civics to electronics to law. Basically everything that I find interesting.
Read More...Revived 05Oct2018
These blog entries have been reformatted and entered into the current directories. Redirect pages have been placed in the old locations.
Relics of faith
The Red Book - First Impressions
Charlie's story
Gnosis Journal
On commitment
Remember Granpa's old Royal
About a month after my second birthday, Mom married the only man I would call Father. And later, much later, Dad. I was very precocious. A father was a big thing to me and I didn't have one. So I called him Father. It took me years to adjust. It took him years to accept that I was trying to honor him.
Along with Dad, I got three step-sibs, an uncle, some aunts, and another grandfather. Paternal step grandfather. Grandad.
I already had Grandpa and Grandma on my mother's side. But I saw them often. My new Granpa lived in Arkansas. That's a fair distance from Arizona. So I didn't see him as often.
So of course when it came time to design my sites, I wanted a typewriter font. American Typewriter was my first choice, but the licensing is a little much. Courier worked but not as well. So I used Special Elite from Google Fonts.
I really wanted to use it in my lexicon, but it doesn't play well with other fonts. So I use Courier for the lexicon.
But the quotes from me, the NeoNotes, and now the Taproots entries, all those use Special Elite.
It helps me remember Granpa when I read those. And I want to pass those good feelings on to you..
Lexcion 3.6 ready to use
“First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination.”
Added to lexicon
Added to lexicon
Added to the lexicon
For something with no moral relativism, there's an awful lot or relative morality going on.
Read More...Six new pages
❝I learned a long time ago that it's worth the trouble to make sure she's got at least two climaxes for every one of mine.
Keeps her smiling too.❞
Added to the lexicon
Sex & sex rules
Searching The Wild Hunt
“Mike Rugnetta is going to tell you stories of death, destruction, divine judgment, damnation, and the occasional happy ending. That's right, this week we're talking about the Apocalypse. Actually we're talking about a bunch of ways the world could end. Prepare for stories of the end times from Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Christianity, and Islam! It's the (mostly) Abrahamic Apocalypses on Crash Course World Mythology.”
Read More...The secret albums
“This week, we're talking about theories of Myth. We'll look at the different ways mythology has been studied in the last couple of millenia, and talk about the diffeent ways people have interpreted myth, academically.” Read More...
Out of the fog
No Grand Cause here
If it works for you and challenges you to be a better person, more power to you. It is not my place to question that, it's between you and the Divine.
Read More...Revived 06Jan2018
≠ ✝ Epiphany - Old Christmas - Feast of the Three Kings - Twelfth Tide
Revived 03Jan2018
❝My faith isn't defined by my politics.❞— NeoWayland, Paganism is not political
Polishing how it looks was easy if time consuming.
Fixing the behavior, that was challenging. I want it to be easy to use and intuitive. The button bar was one part of that. Does it go under the letter or under the individual entries? If I've defined something in my timetable, doesn't it make more sense to link to that rather than copy-pasting the definition into the lexicon? How do I show that different links go to different places? Is there a better way to go through the lexicon other than scrolling? What if the reader/user wants the web link for that definition? What about the secret word?
Solving all these issues opened up more issues. And then I had to decide the overall look. And that opened up other issues. And so on and so on.
I've got the mechanics pretty much solved. Except my iPad won't load the page.
Now I have to finishing transferring the entries from the old lexicon.
❝Every moral absolute I’ve ever encountered depends on cultural or religious assumptions that probably aren’t shared by all people present.❞— NeoWayland, as a rule, absolutes don’t
Journal 08Dec2017
When someone starts talking about THE truth, it's to exclude the thoughts and ideas they find uncomfortable.
Read More...Revived 02Dec2017
These blog entries have been reformatted and entered into the current directories. Redirect pages have been placed in the old locations.
Look out for the stale jokes
Briefly, another thinkum
The need for mystery
Discussion on initiation
In the moment
Strange Thinkum
Good reasoning
One of my better short efforts I think
Remember this
The old category page for Quotes & Thinkums now redirects to quotes & thinkums category page in the current directory.
Revived 01Dec2017
Journal 01Dec2017
These older blog entries have been reformatted and entered into the current directories
Read More...Revived 28Nov2017
Journal 23Nov2017
Journal 17Nov2017
☯ waning crescent moon   ☯ Lady in the Court of Shadows   ❊ Leonids Meteor Shower   🌬 breezy
![Thinking by blogging](
It's hard to find energy so I can do things.
Today I was up at three a.m. The insomnia wasn't the only reason. I needed to do a pass through in the kitchen. The dishes were piled up, the floor needed sweeping and mopping. The pest control guy was coming at eight. Usually he comes on the last Friday in the month, but this month that's the day after Thanksgiving.
I've been watching the wind and breeze this morning. It's the first breezy day around here in a while. I wonder how many leaves will be left. I live in the high desert, but here in town it doesn't always look it. It's suburban.
My raven friend wants his blueberries. He gets raspberries today.
I'm still working on updating the site. I don't have much energy to spare. I'm thinking I'll get back to regular blogging after the first of the year.
The politics is getting to me. But there is one song that brings it all home. So I'm going to post the lyrics.
Jounal 13Nov2017
“Personal’s not the same as important. People just think it is.”— Terry Pratchett, Lords and Ladies
She died
When Goya painted this around 1800, the Catholic Church had banned the display of artistic nudes.
Read More...Journal 11Aug2017
Journal 21Jul2017
≠ ✰ pagan festival season AZ monsoon season ☯ waning crescent moon
![Thinking by blogging](
I had a bit of a scare this week. My blogging program developed a bit of glitch for a while. The idea of having to rebuild five websites and all the connections did not thrill me. This is the fourth major version of the site and it has been tweaked and tweaked again.
When I first started Technopagan Yearnings, I was coding things by hand and I loved arranging HTML modularly. I started using Lifli’s iBlog when I gave TPY and Pagan Vigil their own domains. Since then, Lifli went out of business and I started using RealMac RapidWeaver. I've upgraded from version 5 to version 6 and apparently I should have upgraded to 7.
Things change. As something suitable for the ages, the websites work as they are. As something that I can update and tweak, I need programs to manage. Using something dynamically is different from an unchanging text set in stone. Things change. A good lesson, but I wasn't ready to hear it at 10 p.m. on a Tuesday night after a day of frustration trying to fix the program. I had just gotten my new rhythm in blogging. I didn't want to spend months reconstructing the sites.
I managed a quick trip to Gallup on Wednesday. If you've never been, Gallup is sometimes called the "Heart of Indian Country." There's a lot to see and do there. I was meeting a friend that I hadn't seen in years. He had made a small necklace with red coral. I'm giving it to my companion tomorrow. The red will look excellent on her skin tone.
Speaking of changes, for the first time since the new cable company came to town, I've no cable TV signal and no internet. So as I type this I can't preview and I've no idea when I will be able to post. Hopefully today.
One of my issues with this site and P•V has been providing enough content. That's why I've scaled back the original content and moved this site more to "a slice of life." P•V is now mostly headlines and news clippings. I can't give daily original articles, not and maintain some kind of sanity. Paganism on the web is getting more and more wrapped up with politics and the Great Anti-Trump Crusade. I'm seeing first hand just how poisonous and destructive that is. Not that I support Trump, but removing a legally elected president for no credible reason. This obsession isn't healthy, and it's making some of my pagan friends unravel.
My garden is producing well. Like I've said before, they aren't really your vegetables until you give them away.
Mom is still getting along. She and I are having our disagreements. The other day when I checked on her, we got into discussion on if she should leave things on the stove cooking while she is in the other room. She has ruined one skillet. Bless her heart, when she doesn't see something, she's more likely to forget about it. I want her to be independent for as long as she can, but there are some things I don't think will ever really come back.
Well how about that. I just put in the tag for "Mom" and I thought I would double check the other entries because it came up "mom" instead of "Mom." It seems I use the word "moment" a lot. I didn't realize how much I did.
I suppose I should go do a fast pass through the kitchen and load the dishwasher. Then maybe some breakfast. Then a shower and shave. And then maybe I'll have internet.
Magick everyday
❝I know that when you borrow from another culture you should honor those elements.❞
— NeoWayland
Journal 14Jul2017
From the hairstyle of the brunette lady on the right, I'm guessing that it happened in the late 1960s.
Read More...I don't know
“Soldiers March. Warriors Dance.
Soldiers Act. Warriors Choose.”— Kerr Cuhulain
Casual and vintage
“Everyone would like to behave like a pagan, with everyone else behaving like a Christian.”— Albert Camus
Journal 31Mar2017
“I believe in God, only I spell it Nature.”— Frank Lloyd Wright
For the very first time, humans stood somewhere else and looked at the World that birthed and cradled humanity.
Read More...The Pagan Vigil Reader - updated
A brief update
Just because we humans don’t like a species doesn’t mean it’s not absolutely essential.
Read More...What's with all the GREEN?
❝The "Witch Winter Solstice Ritual" in Nylon is populist pap. It's a lot like having Easter using only Cadbury eggs and never once mentioning a resurrection or what it might mean.❞
Carried away
Changing sex
New sex menu item
I joke about it, but that is the heart of it. Or maybe the hearth. It’s the center.
Read More...Do you know what I get asked about the most?
Truthful answers - new site slogan
Another place I talk Christianity
Do Be Do Be Do
From classic philosophy to classic virtue, Paganism's best hope depends on what we choose to put out in the World - updated
Read More...Drop down menus and transferring old content
My answer to certain Christian fundys who just happen to be blood relations. Things have gotten better since then. We even talk most of the time.
Read More...3rd Yearnings partially up
Yeah, it got quiet here
Story from a dream
Part of an IM conversation I had with Juliaki tonight. You might find it interesting.
Read More...Getting my internet fix
These blog entries have been reformatted and entered into the current directories. Redirect pages have been placed in the old locations.
Read More...Thursday will be Friday, and still the world turns
This is a page from the third version of Technopagan Yearnings. There are some formatting differences. Originally published at
Running late again
And if you think this week is bad, don't talk to me about next week. I'm going to be lucky to get one on this blog.
This is a page from the third version of Technopagan Yearnings. There are some formatting differences. Originally published at
I'm really beginning to understand why it is so hard to find good Pagan blogs.
I'm really beginning to understand why it is so hard to find good Pagan blogs.
I mean, Pagan news is covered mostly by Wren's Nest and a few others. And I am personally against the cutesy "these are the eight Pagan holidays" introductory basic web sites. Or the ones that give you steps to "cast your VERY OWN SPELL!!!!"
Which, fortunately, do seem to be dying out.
Since Thursday morning, I have tried to write on four separate topics. One of them was so trite I am ashamed of it, the other three, well, I didn't really feel like sharing. So I am going to do some thinking about what I want this blog to say and how I want to say it. One thing I can tell you, three times a week is just too much. I end up pounding my head against the wall trying to come up with something new on Fridays.
My head can take it, but the wall is beginning to get dented. And the paint and plaster takes extra shampoo to wash out.
Anyway, I am going to switch to Tuesdays and Thursdays for this blog. This thing is supposed to be something I enjoy and not something I have to do. Well, I have to do it but by the gods I am going to have fun with it.
No Monday entry
“In which you are introduced to the life and accomplishments of Alexander the Great, his empire, his horse Bucephalus, the empires that came after him, and the idea of Greatness. Is greatness a question of accomplishment, of impact, or are people great because the rest of us decide they're great?”
Read More...No Recent Comments or links here either
Where to find me
This is a page from the third version of Technopagan Yearnings. There are some formatting differences. Originally published at
Actual web locations and frame pages
My new homepage is not only my browser homepage, but it's intended to let interested folks know where I am on the web and some more of the things about me. It's still under construction though, but this is where you can find it. Actual address is in bold, frame pages are in italics.
While I was at it, I did some frame pages for my blogs. This is where you can find Pagan Vigil. Again, actual address is in bold, frame pages are in italics.
Technopagan Yearnings, my Pagan blog, can be found here. Same deal with the addresses.
Anyway, that is where I have been, and I should be catching up with posting tomorrow and the weekend.
Posted: Thu - November 10, 2005 at 04:51 PM
Cross posted to Pagan•Vigil and Technopagan Yearnings.
This is a page from the third version of Technopagan Yearnings. There are some formatting differences. Originally published at
Non magickal and non religious tips to make your paganism work better
Basically it is all the stuff that makes paganism work better without being specific to any one tradition or working.
I've moved my Harassment article there and I will make a couple of more entries tonight.
Podcasts in link section
“In which John introduces you to quite a lot of Chinese history by discussing the complicated relationship between the Confucian scholars who wrote Chinese history and the emperors (and empress) who made it. Included is a brief introduction to all the dynasties in Chinese history and an introduction to Confucius and the Confucian emphasis on filial piety, the role the mandate of heaven played in organizing China, and how China became the first modern state.”
Read More...Back again, jiggity jig
“Objects or beings in physical or psychic contact with each other continue to interact after separation.”— Isaac Bonewits, The Laws of Magic, The Law of Contagion
Links - The Wild Hunt Blog
This is a page from the third version of Technopagan Yearnings. There are some formatting differences. Originally published at
Blog rolls and other creatures
*mad cackle* My secret plan for domination of the Pagan blogworld is underway!!!
Seriously though, connections to other Pagans is one of our greatest strengths these days, and Mr. Pitzl-Waters writes a prolific and very thought provoking blog. Give him a read, you'll enjoy it.