Getting my internet fix
These blog entries have been reformatted and entered into the current directories. Redirect pages have been placed in the old locations.
Read More...Where to find me
This is a page from the third version of Technopagan Yearnings. There are some formatting differences. Originally published at
Actual web locations and frame pages
My new homepage is not only my browser homepage, but it's intended to let interested folks know where I am on the web and some more of the things about me. It's still under construction though, but this is where you can find it. Actual address is in bold, frame pages are in italics.
While I was at it, I did some frame pages for my blogs. This is where you can find Pagan Vigil. Again, actual address is in bold, frame pages are in italics.
Technopagan Yearnings, my Pagan blog, can be found here. Same deal with the addresses.
Anyway, that is where I have been, and I should be catching up with posting tomorrow and the weekend.
Posted: Thu - November 10, 2005 at 04:51 PM
Cross posted to Pagan•Vigil and Technopagan Yearnings.
Haven't quite vanished
Journal 23Nov2017
Journal 23Jun2017
Journal 10Apr2017
❝We pretty much agreed that women sometimes lie about rape and the code needed to take that into account. We added one small paragraph that said accusations of rape didn't necessarily mean rape.❞Read More...