The "war on Christmas" got me thinking
“The Dark Ages...How Dark Were They, Really?: Crash Course World History #14”
“The future is not laid out on a track. It is something that we can decide, and to the extent that we do not violate any known laws of the universe, we can probably make it work the way that we want to.”
Note to my sensitive readers
“Where do you learn how to act? Not at church. America is a lot more like pagan Rome than we think. We still sacrifice to objects to gain our social goals.”
I never really have understood the whole cultural appropriation bit. Syncretism happens.
Read More...“Starry Night as seen by Van Gogh”
“Those who hunt for treasure must go alone, at night, along the way they lose some blood, and when they find the treasure, it's never what they expected.”Read More...
In art…
❝Faith and religion don't stay in the nice neat boxes and cabinets we make for them. Syncretism happens, even if it offends the True Believer™.❞
Sex magick
“Pagan temples are timeworn forests, secluded gardens, sun-kissed seashores and emerald pastures.”— Amelia Dashwood
A selection of bolines
Bolines can be fancy, but I think they sum up what can be wrong with today's paganism. It's about the flair rather than the practicallity.
This pocket knife is very similar to the one I carry. It's simple, inexpensive, and doubles as an athamé and a boline. It blends in and raises no questions. I can carry it easily in my pocket as I hike or tramp.
You don't always have to work with the fancy stuff. The best symbol of a thing is the thing.
Experience & Art
“Morality ought to be filed under Philosophy, not Religion.”Read More...— Chas S. Clifton, How to Ruin the Mysteries, or Religion is not Moral