Summergate is a high holiday that runs from sunset on the day before the cross-quarter day to sunset on the day after.
Summergate is based on more or less on Beltaine adjusted for the actual midpoint between equinox and solstice. It also uses the traditional three days.
My solar festivals occur on the equinoxes and solstices from sunrise the day before to sunrise the day after. The high holidays are the cross-quarter days.
This one I’ll be celebrating differently. My stepsibs are in town and I’ll be spending time with them and my mother. We’re meeting for breakfast in a bit.
Bright and dark blessings, one and all.
ETA: Hurry up and wait. Stepbro is moving a horse and stepsis is not a morning person. I originally typed this a little after seven this morning and we just came back from breakfast at 11:30.
A bit interesting for someone who is used to eating well before the sun comes up. Family is fun. Every once in a while it’s good to screw your routine.