Partial list of people I quote or borrow ideas from
Isaac Bonewits • Before - born Philip Emmons Isaac Bonewits, lived 01Oct1949 to 12Aug2010 (60). Founder and Archdruid Emeritus of of Ár nDraíocht Féin: A Druid Fellowship, expert on ancient and modern Druidism, Witchcraft, magic and the occult. Author, public speaker, liturgist, singer and songwriter. For me, his most useful work is the Advanced Bonewits Cult Danger Evaluation
Stewart Brand - best known as the editor of the Whole Earth Catalog
Joseph Campbell • deceased - born Joseph John Cambell, lived 26Mar1904 to 30Oct1987 (83). “Follow your bliss.” Best known for his work in comparative mythology and comparative religion. Mythololgist, author, lecturer.
Chas S. Clifton - Academic, author, and historian best known for his work in English studies and Pagan studies. Practical and accurate could be considered his watchwords
Letter from Hardscrabble Creek
Roger Dawson - businessman, professional speaker, negotiation expert
Power Negotiating Experts
Jen Delyth - creator of my favorite Tree of Lifedesign. She's very good.
Keltic Designs
Gerald Gardner • deceased - Born Gerald Brosseau Gardner, lived 13Jun1884 to 12Feb1964 (79). Possible founder of Wicca, certainly it’s chief modifier. Popularized modern witchcraft in the United Kingdom. Witch, author, novelist
Howard Gardner - developmental psychologist best known for his theory of multiple intelligences. I found a couple of his assumptions to be off. He mixed gross motor coordination and fine motor coordination. He also left some out. Unfortunately the man is a very dry writer. See Frames of Mind.
Charles F. Golden • Before - United Methodist Bishop, civil rights pioneer, brilliant teacher
Simon R. Green
Terry Goodkind
Temple Grandin
Micheal Harner
Robert Heinlein • Before - born Robert Anson Heinlein, lived 07Jul1907 to 08May1988 (80). “May you live as long as you wish and love as long as you live.” Dean of science fiction writers. Best known for his inspiring science fiction that usually showed a strong engineering bent. Author, libertarian
Zenna Henderson • Before
Napoleon Hill • Before - Lived 26Oct1883 to 08Nov1970. If not the first personal success author, he’s probably the most successful. One of those people who you have heard of even if you don't recognize the name. His writings and ideas were "borrowed" and in some cases bastardized by nearly every self-help author out there. He has a surprisingly effective description of magick and magickal practices, although he doesn't call it that. Author, journalist, salesman, lecturer
Napoleon Hill Foundation
Penn Jillete
Carl Jung
Harvey Mackay
Marshall McLuhan
Lois McMaster Bujold
Maggie McNeil, The Honest Courtesan - sex worker, libertarian, author, and pagan. What’s not to like about her?
Brenden Meyers
Patrick Moore
Mike Nichols
The Witches' Sabbats
Jason Pitzl-Waters - musician and founder of the Wild Hunt blog
Niel Postman
Wilhelm Reich
Zed A. Shaw - gifted software developer and pretty decent philosopher. I’m thankful for his essay The Master, The Expert, The Programer.
Zed A. Shaw Essays of everything I’m interested in, which is everything
Robert Shea
Silver Raven Wolf
Richard Smoley
Doreen Valiente • Before
Wren Walker - creater of the now retired original pagan news site Wren's Nest at Witchvox
Daniel Webster
Malcom Wells
Bill Whittle - writer, pilot, and TV editor. Author of the extraordinary essay You Are Not Alone
Colin Wilson
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