Leaving the Scene ReduxSame problems, another perspective
Sunfell had an different take on the same issues. A couple of
paragraphs really stood
"In the various Old School trads, back in the days before Llewellen and the Internet, Seekers really had to look hard and get looked at hard in return before they were permitted to study and practice in any tradition. I see the tide returning to this practice, and I am glad. There are people who understand that the practice of Magic is not for everyone, and should not be easily available. I am one of them. Magic attracts two sorts of people: those who truly wish to learn and deepen their spirituality, and those who are mentally unstable or who seek power over others. Sadly, the latter outnumbers the former. In this politically correct world, it is not the done thing to send unsuitable people away from our various practices, but in my own practice, a person with experience and insight who teaches others is obligated to do so. To not send an unsuitable person away is irresponsible and unwise and does nothing to help stabilize the community as a whole. And it is also irresponsible for a leader of a group not to shun and send away any troublemakers." <snip> "Pardon me while I make my point clear: That is utter BULLSHIT. Paganism is just as political as any other endeavor that human beings engage in. It is not immune to this, and if you want to succeed in it, or any other endeavor, you have to dive in and learn about politics. Otherwise you will be a bitter battered loser on the fringes whining about it. Spirituality does not grant any sort of immunity to politics. Churches are a wonderful example of this. Properly and insightfully done, politics is enlivening and enhancing. Only incompetent, ignorant or uneducated people engage in the backstabbing, gossiping or 'holier than thou' crap spoken of above. Real seekers understand that we must learn the give-and-take of political discourse in all its variation in order to do anything anywhere. It's the expansion of manners. It isn't about power, it's about people. Power naturally comes with people- with their respect and honor. Such power can also be taken away by the same mechanism. Politics is the mechanism for this." Sunfell, bless her heart, fingered a point that I have been struggling to express. The politics are just as much a part of what an Elder does as the magick. It is not enough to pull away from this world and leave it to the fluffies. There are going to be times when the troublemakers have to be put in their place. Or if you like, kept across the river from the real stuff. Part of that may well be a partial pulling back, but we also owe it to ourselves and our traditions to maintain a few gates for the new seekers who really are called. I think many folks come to paganism expecting it to be superficially open but really made up of power games. I have no idea what their religious experiences were before paganism, and I really don't want to know. I do know that some faiths require abandoning responsibility, I have yet to see that work in a pagan setting.
Pagan philosopher, libertarian, and part-time trouble maker, NeoWayland looks at keeping truths alive despite a wash of nonsense. But don't be surprised when he's doing the "nekkid Pagan guy" thing.
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