Christian separatists = Pagans "leaving the scene?"

There seem to be more similarities than differences

OpinionJournal ran an article examining the Christian separatist movement to take South Carolina out of the United States. It's something I had heard about but hadn't given a lot of attention. The piece touches on some of the history of American seperatists.

Now ordinarily, I agree this has absolutely nothing to do with Paganism.

Except I have been trying to look objectively at the Pagans who are talking about "withdrawing from the world." This isn't an exact match, as far as I know, there aren't Pagans who want to take over their own State. I certianly don't know of any Modern Adult Pagan who wants to impose their morality and path on their neighbors using the force of law. While the actions are different, there seems to be a shared longing of something beyond the here and now in the world.

Maybe I am seeing a pattern that is not there, I don't know.

Instead, I'll link to the article and let you decide for yourself.

Posted: Fri - September 16, 2005 at 04:42 AM
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