Bear drawing

Playing around

So I was showing off my websites (and getting some encouragement to fix the MobileMe thing that keeps teknologi from having anything but a redirect page), and she asked "Why a bear?" while pointing to my Playtime picture.

Good thing I showed her on Artus (my laptop) and not MaKai (the iMac that's in my sanctum). She might have had bear overload.

Some of what I do has certain similarities with shamanic practices. I only called myself a semi-shaman though, there are some pretty big differences. My relationship with my allies changed, largely to get me to stop depending on them so much and start finding the strengths inside myself.

I think.

I couldn't get a straight answer out them even at the best of times.

Bear was my first, and She's the reason why I am still here and not washed away in a desert river.

My favorite bear statue is a female and her cub.

Coyote has the sense of humor, but it's Bear that plays more. At least in my experience.

So that is why there is a tiny line drawing of a bear.

Oh, just so you know, next to my wildman statue are a centaur statue and…

three bear statues. Well, two and a carving.

Posted: Thu - August 27, 2009 at 12:21 PM
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