It can be easy, being green

New banner picture

I've been on a green kick for a couple of weeks now.

I usually keep the main part of the house too dim to support plants, and there's not enough space in the sanctum for plants. But oh yeah, I've been enjoying the plants.

Which explains the new banner picture, even though it's not strictly "seasonal." I know it's a couple of days early.

So here's how things stand with my personal calendar, liberally adapted. It works for my area, even though it's not official.

The Autumnal Equinox is one of the four solar festivals in my calendar. It marks the middle of autumn and the harvest season. That makes sense if you remember that the Winter Solstice is traditionally Midwinter and the Summer Solstice is traditionally Midsummer. It also fits the usual Arizona weather pattern. My definitions have varied some over the years, but these seem to be the ones that work best.

The fall equinox also marks the end of the Arizona monsoon season, at least by my reckoning (esoteric Weather Service definitions aside). The weather is great, cooler but still very pleasant.

And of course the plants are green. Have I mentioned how much I am …into green? I don't wear it very much, but I really dig it. When I redesigned the site a few years back, I chose the grays and greens so that almost any banner picture I used would look good. With apologies to Kermit the Frog, green is pretty important. Red and green are life colors. Green in the fall promises fertility in the spring.

Green promises life for a desert dweller.

Posted: Tue - September 21, 2010 at 12:38 PM
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