Strangeness in the email

No credible reason for it at all

Some days I really don't understand my email.

I'm a bit late in getting to it because yesterday ended up being one of those collapse days, which really blew my plans for the evening, but that's another story.

Anyway, I'm scrolling through and some person tells me I have "no credible reason for owning test tubes."

Excuse me?

I assume they're talking about my Practicals entry from a few days ago. It's one of my better ones I thought, but I guess this stranger thinks I'm cooking up germ warfare or something. And no, the bold is not accidental.

The fact is that quite a bit of lab gear is perfect for magick. That's not surprising considering that science is the bastard child of magick.

Oops, did I say that? How dare I reveal one of the Great Secrets to the Universe! Or at least human thought.

Why would anyone else need to know the reason I owned something? Much less if the reason were "credible" or not.

I find something useful and I pass it along as a tip because I choose to.

Why do I attract these people?

I've got a better entry planned for here this afternoon or evening, depending on how much I can get caught up.

Posted: Thu - October 22, 2009 at 07:38 AM
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