Minor changes

A few differences here and there

First I'm admitting what we already knew, this blog also includes a thin slice of my life, so I've changed the description slightly.

Second, you'll see a new section in the sidebar called Picks & Favorites. These are the posts that either I or the readers think you will find most useful. And the list is in the approximate order you should read. If you have any questions about publishing these articles elsewhere, check out my Legal section near the bottom.

I've also added a special section in the sidebar for my Befores. Long time readers know that while these folks aren't exactly the Mighty Dead, they are people who have inspired me and touched my life deeply.

I'm going to reset this site to get all the sidebars in the right places. MaKai will whisper to my ISP while I am doing something else, and assuming he doesn't get interrupted, when I come back it should be good to go.

Posted: Wed - September 16, 2009 at 08:11 AM
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