An important announcement

In which Neo's brain takes a bit of a walkabout


We regret to inform you that Neo's brain has declared today to be seriously nonserious.

There was an article planned. There was even an article outlined. However and despite three cups of tea and a toasted tuna sandwich, Neo's brain has steadfastly refused to do anything except spout really bad limericks and song lyrics from the early 1970s. Since this is not a dignified position for a Pagan philosopher, no further reference will be made to these unfortunate and truly lamentable events. Not even about the gal from Tennessee (who had a spirit that was wild and free)...

Ahem. Right.

Hopefully after some enforced fun and an early bedtime with milk and cookies, Neo will recover his solemn manner and regale his readers with wit that deserves to be published.

Until then and automatically,

Posted: Wed - October 15, 2008 at 03:26 PM
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