
A friend in liberty quotes me! At the top of her page no less

One of the great pleasures of the web is the cross-pollination of ideas, sometimes unexpectedly.

When I started my political blog Pagan Vigil and restarted Technopagan Yearnings as a Pagan blog, I had good reason to separate the two. There are many very vocal Pagans who don't share my political views, and most of the libertarians I know have no real interest in magick or Pagans. Some of the biggest misunderstandings I've had online came about largely because I tried to mix the two.

After a few months, I ran across Sunni Maravillosa on the Real ID Rebellion. I followed it to another of her sites, Sunni and the Conspirators. Much to my surprise, after we had talked a bit online, she read both of my blogs and kept reading. Here was someone who was willing to respect my path even if she didn't share my beliefs and experiences. The lady has class.

Of course, that's exactly what libertarians are supposed to do, but not everyone pays that more than lip service.

Sunni also gave Pagan Vigil a great writeup, and she's has shared some of the ideas I've written about here on her main site. Respect and class all the way. She has some great ideas too.

She's one of the reasons I am thinking about that book. I figure if I really have something in me worth saying, maybe I should say it so more than just Pagans read it.

Her site is one of those I usually check a couple of times a day. So imagine my surprise last night when I saw a quote from my Fate & Humanity entry. Right there at the top of the column.

Thanks Sunni, I am delighted.

Posted: Mon - October 13, 2008 at 07:10 AM
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