Some groups aren't what they claim to beI wasn't the first to learn this, but it
would have been nice to know
Chas. Clifton briefly mentioned the 1734
tradition the other day and suggested the book
The Forge of Tubal Cain
as a fairly accurate history. Since this was the second time it "just happened"
to come up, I decided I'd better learn a bit more. So I ordered the
A few years back I would have given my eyeteeth for a copy of the chapter "The Founding of the Roebuck," pages 30 to 37 in my copy. It would certainly have helped me realize that the the huge online witchcraft group I was a part of was more focused on enabling victimhood than anything else. Of course, then I wouldn't have learned the lesson especially well, would I? And yes, I broke down and ordered Tree of Enchantment: Ancient Wisdom and Magic Practices of the Faery Tradition at the same time. I can only take so many nudges.
Pagan philosopher, libertarian, and part-time trouble maker, NeoWayland looks at keeping truths alive despite a wash of nonsense. But don't be surprised when he's doing the "nekkid Pagan guy" thing.
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